Решил тут собрать ООо-3.1.1 из сырцов. Ну ставил вечно app-office/openoffice-bin а тут времени много… В общем запустил
emerge app-office/openoffice
и спокойно лег спать в надежде на то что с утра получу собранный ООо. Наивняк…
Ссылка для Ъ
И вот не знаю почему тот факт что ООо не собрался меня даже не удивил?
Собственно ООо даже и не думал начинать собираться.
Да и мне трудно понять логику
echo "=sys-devel/patch-2.6" >> /etc/portage/package.mask
emerge sys-devel/patch;
emerge app-office/openoffice
Почему нельзя сразу в ebuild задать нужную версию patch если уж это ну так критично?
PS: кому интересно
> time emerge openoffice
>>> Installing (1 of 1) app-office/openoffice-3.1.1
* Updating desktop mime database ...
* Updating shared mime info database ...
* Spell checking is provided through our own myspell-ebuilds,
* if you want to use it, please install the correct myspell package
* according to your language needs.
* Some aditional functionality can be installed via Extension Manager:
* *) PDF Import
* *) Presentation Console
* *) Presentation Minimizer
* Please use the packages provided in
* /usr/lib64/openoffice/share/extension/install/
* instead of those from the SUN extension site.
>>> Recording app-office/openoffice in "world" favorites file...
* Messages for package app-office/openoffice-3.1.1:
* It is important to note that OpenOffice.org is a very fragile
* build when it comes to CFLAGS. A number of flags have already
* been filtered out. If you experience difficulty merging this
* package and use agressive CFLAGS, lower the CFLAGS and try to
* merge again. Also note that building OOo takes a lot of time and
* hardware ressources: 4-6 GB free diskspace and 256 MB RAM are
* the minimum requirements. If you have less, use openoffice-bin
* instead.
* Also if you experience a build break, please make sure to retry
* with MAKEOPTS=-j1 before filing a bug.
* Spell checking is provided through our own myspell-ebuilds,
* if you want to use it, please install the correct myspell package
* according to your language needs.
* Some aditional functionality can be installed via Extension Manager:
* *) PDF Import
* *) Presentation Console
* *) Presentation Minimizer
* Please use the packages provided in
* /usr/lib64/openoffice/share/extension/install/
* instead of those from the SUN extension site.
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...
>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.
* GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
real 4739.185 user 4037.165 sys 1967.953 pcpu 126.71