
Можно сказать почти что ура… Итак на данный момент (Среда, 23 Сентябрь 2009 18:15) уже почти все. Вот это уже установил:

> eix --compact --installed-in-overlay init_6
[I] app-admin/pessulus (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Lockdown editor for GNOME
[I] app-admin/syslog-ng (3.0.4@09/08/09): syslog replacement with advanced filtering features
[I] app-arch/file-roller (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): archive manager for GNOME
[I] app-cdr/brasero (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Brasero (aka Bonfire) is yet another application to burn CD/DVD for the gnome desktop.
[I] app-crypt/seahorse (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
[I] app-editors/gedit (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A text editor for the GNOME desktop
[I] app-text/evince (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Simple document viewer for GNOME
[I] app-text/gnome-doc-utils (0.18.0[1]@09/23/09): A collection of documentation utilities for the Gnome project
[I] dev-cpp/glibmm (2.22.1(2)[1]@09/23/09): C++ interface for glib2
[I] dev-cpp/gtkmm (2.18.1(2.4)[1]@09/23/09): C++ interface for GTK+2
[I] dev-cpp/pangomm (2.26.0(2.4)[1]@09/23/09): C++ interface for pango
[I] dev-libs/glib (2.22.0(2)[2]@09/23/09): The GLib library of C routines
[I] dev-libs/libgweather (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Library to access weather information from online services
[I] dev-libs/libical (0.43[2]@09/23/09): An implementation of basic iCAL protocols from citadel, previously known as aurore
[I] dev-libs/totem-pl-parser (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Playlist parsing library
[I] dev-libs/gobject-introspection (0.6.5[2]@09/23/09): GObject Introspection tools and library
[I] dev-libs/libgdata (0.5.0[1]@09/23/09): GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol
[I] gnome-base/gnome-applets (2.28.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): Applets for the GNOME Desktop and Panel
[I] gnome-base/gnome-common (2.28.0(3)[1]@09/23/09): Common files for development of Gnome packages
[I] gnome-base/gnome-control-center (2.28.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): The gnome2 Desktop configuration tool
[I] gnome-base/gnome-desktop (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Libraries for the gnome desktop that are not part of the UI
[I] gnome-base/gnome-keyring (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Password and keyring managing daemon
[I] gnome-base/gnome-menus (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): The GNOME menu system, implementing the F.D.O cross-desktop spec
[I] gnome-base/gnome-session (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Gnome session manager
[I] gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Gnome Settings Daemon
[I] gnome-base/gvfs (1.4.0[1]@09/23/09): GNOME Virtual Filesystem Layer
[I] gnome-base/libbonobo (2.24.2[1]@09/23/09): GNOME CORBA framework
[I] gnome-base/libgnome (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Essential Gnome Libraries
[I] gnome-base/libgnomekbd (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Gnome keyboard configuration library
[I] gnome-base/libgtop (2.28.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): A library that provides top functionality to applications
[I] gnome-base/nautilus (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A file manager for the GNOME desktop
[I] gnome-extra/at-spi (1.28.0(1)[1]@09/23/09): The Gnome Accessibility Toolkit
[I] gnome-extra/bug-buddy (2.28.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): A graphical bug reporting tool
[I] gnome-extra/deskbar-applet (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): An Omnipresent Versatile Search Interface
[I] gnome-extra/evolution-data-server (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Evolution groupware backend
[I] gnome-extra/evolution-webcal (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A GNOME URL handler for web-published ical calendar files
[I] gnome-extra/gcalctool (5.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A calculator application for GNOME
[I] gnome-extra/gconf-editor (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): An editor to the GNOME 2 config system
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-games-extra-data (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Optional additional graphics for gnome-games
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-media (2.28.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): Multimedia related programs for the GNOME desktop
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-screensaver (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Replaces xscreensaver, integrating with the desktop.
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): The Gnome System Monitor
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-user-docs (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): GNOME end user documentation
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-utils (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Utilities for the Gnome2 desktop
[I] gnome-extra/gtkhtml (3.28.0(3.14)[1]@09/23/09): Lightweight HTML Rendering/Printing/Editing Engine
[I] gnome-extra/gucharmap (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Unicode character map viewer
[I] gnome-extra/swfdec-gnome (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Flash player and thumbnailer for GNOME
[I] gnome-extra/yelp (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Help browser for GNOME
[I] gnome-extra/zenity (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Tool to display dialogs from the commandline and shell scripts
[I] gnome-extra/cairo-dock [1] ( Cairo-dock is a fast, responsive, Mac OS X-like dock.
[I] gnome-extra/cairo-dock-plugins [1] ( Official plugins for cairo-dock
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-globalmenu [1] (0.7.7_p1@09/16/09): Global menubar applet for Gnome2.
[I] mail-client/evolution (2.28.0(2.0)[1]@09/23/09): Integrated mail, addressbook and calendaring functionality
[I] media-gfx/eog (2.28.0(1)[1]@09/23/09): The Eye of GNOME image viewer
[I] media-video/mplayer (9999[1]@09/22/09): Media Player for Linux
[I] media-video/totem (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Media player for GNOME
[I] media-video/handbrake [1] (9999@09/17/09): Open-source DVD to MPEG-4 converter.
[I] net-analyzer/gnome-netstatus (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Network interface information applet
[I] net-analyzer/gnome-nettool (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): Collection of network tools
[I] net-firewall/iptables (1.4.5[1]@09/19/09): Linux kernel (2.4+) firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
[I] net-im/pidgin (2.6.2[1]@09/22/09): GTK Instant Messenger client
[I] net-libs/libsoup (2.28.0(2.4)[1]@09/23/09): An HTTP library implementation in C
[I] net-libs/webkit-gtk (9999[1]@09/23/09): Open source web browser engine
[I] net-misc/vino (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): An integrated VNC server for GNOME
[I] net-p2p/transmission (1.75[1]@09/19/09): A Fast, Easy and Free BitTorrent client
[I] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (2.6.31(2.6.31)[1]@09/15/09): Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 2.6 kernel tree
[I] www-client/epiphany (2.28.0[2]@09/23/09): GNOME webbrowser based on the mozilla rendering engine
[I] www-client/epiphany-extensions (2.28.0[2]@09/23/09): Extensions for the Epiphany web browser
[I] www-client/midori (9999[1]@09/23/09): A lightweight web browser
[I] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers (185.18.36[1]@09/16/09): NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries
[I] x11-libs/gtk+ (2.18.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): Gimp ToolKit +
[I] x11-libs/gtksourceview (2.8.0(2.0)[1]@09/23/09): A text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
[I] x11-libs/libwnck (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A window navigation construction kit
[I] x11-libs/pango (1.26.0[1]@09/23/09): Internationalized text layout and rendering library
[I] x11-libs/vte (0.22.0[1]@09/23/09): Gnome terminal widget
[I] x11-libs/geoclue [1] (9999@09/01/09): Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the D-Bus messaging system.
[I] x11-misc/alacarte (0.12.4[1]@09/23/09): Simple GNOME menu editor
[I] x11-terms/gnome-terminal (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): The Gnome Terminal
[I] x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): A set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
[I] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): GNOME 2 default icon themes
[I] x11-themes/gnome-themes (2.27.92[2]@09/23/09): A set of GNOME themes, with sets for users with limited or low vision
[I] x11-themes/gtk-engines (2.18.3(2)[1]@09/22/09): GTK+2 standard engines and themes
[I] x11-wm/metacity (2.28.0[1]@09/23/09): GNOME default window manager
[1] "init_6" /usr/local/portage
[2] "gnome" /usr/local/layman/gnome

Found 83 matches.

[localhost 236] handbrake > eix --compact --installed-in-overlay gnome 
[I] dev-libs/glib (2.22.0(2)[2]@09/23/09): The GLib library of C routines
[I] dev-libs/libical (0.43[2]@09/23/09): An implementation of basic iCAL protocols from citadel, previously known as aurore
[I] dev-libs/gobject-introspection (0.6.5[2]@09/23/09): GObject Introspection tools and library
[I] gnome-extra/gnome-power-manager (2.27.92-r1[2]@09/23/09): Gnome Power Manager
[I] gnome-extra/polkit-gnome [2] (0.93@09/23/09): PolicyKit policies and configurations for the GNOME desktop
[U] net-misc/vinagre (2.27.92[2]@09/23/09 -> (~)2.28.0[1]): VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop
[I] sys-auth/polkit [2] (0.93@09/23/09): Policy framework for controlling privileges for system-wide services
[I] www-client/epiphany (2.28.0[2]@09/23/09): GNOME webbrowser based on the mozilla rendering engine
[I] www-client/epiphany-extensions (2.28.0[2]@09/23/09): Extensions for the Epiphany web browser
[I] x11-libs/gtk+ (2.18.0(2)[1]@09/23/09): Gimp ToolKit +
[I] x11-libs/pango (1.26.0[1]@09/23/09): Internationalized text layout and rendering library
[I] x11-themes/gnome-themes (2.27.92[2]@09/23/09): A set of GNOME themes, with sets for users with limited or low vision
[1] "init_6" /usr/local/portage
[2] "gnome" /usr/local/layman/gnome

Found 12 matches.

А это пока что собирается с ошибками и не поддается

> emerge --update --newuse --deep @system @world -pv

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies    ... done!
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/vinagre-2.28.0 [2.27.92] USE="avahi ssh telepathy -applet -debug -test" 0 kB [1=>2]
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.28.0 [2.26.3] USE="-doc -eds -networkmanager -policykit" 0 kB [0=>2]
[ebuild     U ] gnome-extra/gnome-games-2.28.0 [2.26.3-r1] USE="X artworkextra gstreamer guile opengl -test" 0 kB [0=>2]
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/gnome-2.28.0 [2.26.3] USE="cdr cups dvdr -accessibility -esd -ldap -mono" 0 kB [0=>2]

Total: 4 packages (4 upgrades), Size of downloads: 0 kB
Portage tree and overlays:
 [0] /usr/portage
 [1] /usr/local/layman/gnome
 [2] /usr/local/portage

!!! The following update has been skipped due to unsatisfied dependencies:


emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">=sys-fs/udev-145[extras]".
(dependency required by "sys-apps/devicekit-power-010" [ebuild])

ЗЫ: Замечания к выпуску еще неактивны ;)


Угу ну и вот собственно ОН

